
It’s a Challenging Time To Be a Business Leader

Inflationary pressures, supply chain disruptions, hybrid workplaces, and talent retention are just a few of the macro-level business challenges companies are facing today. When coupled with disruptive technologies, new business models, and changing customer expectations, these powerful dynamics necessitate that companies adopt an innovation mindset in order to thrive.

However, to leverage innovation effectively, leaders must take a strategic approach to building innovation capabilities to ensure they successfully integrate structure, process and people into a seamless function.

At Antiphony, we have deep expertise guiding companies through the many facets of innovation and helping leaders push the boundaries of what’s possible. Our consulting services include: business model innovations, product and service innovations, and operational innovations.

Business Model Innovations

Idea Generation

Opportunity Assessment

Collaboration Strategies

Mergers and Acquisitions

Valuation Analysis

Product & Service Innovations

Lifecycle Planning

Pricing and Channel Strategies

Product Launch Strategies

Prototypes and Concept Testing

Commercialization Pathways

Operational Innovation

Business Process Analysis

Capacity Planning

Breakthrough Value vs. Incremental Improvement

Measuring Innovation Results

Talent and Leadership Development